Ten Ways to Help Prevent Electrical Fires at Church

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There are 14 item(s) tagged with the keyword "digital".

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14

11. Keep Would-Be Thieves from Curbing your Christmas Joy

Large or small, churches and ministries are often easy prey for would-be thieves, especially as church holidays, like Christmas, approach and weekly offerings increase as more people return to worship and other ministry activities. Ministry leaders can boost their ability to keep thieves away from their contributions and property by taking just a few precautions—not only during the holidays, but also throughout the year.

Tags: cyber security, digital, protect, risk, liability, protect, risk, safety, church offerings, financial gifts
12. New Overtime Ruling Takes Effect in December

Last May, the United States Department of Labor announced a new standard for determining who qualifies as an exempt employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The new ruling says that if an employee earns less than $47,476 per year ($913 per week), then in most cases the employee needs to be classified as non-exempt. This change will take effect December 1, 2016.

Tags: cyber security, digital, protect, risk, church payroll, church staff, paying employees, Fair Labor Standards Act
13. Cyber Liability Issues

Some churches extend their ministry electronically using resources such as online prayer lists and sermon illustrations that use Web media. While providing additional means to communicate with those your church serves, online tools also come with common liability risks.

Tags: cyber security, digital, protect, risk, church offerings, financial gifts, liability, security
14. Defending Your Digital Presence

In today’s electronically connected world, computer hackers and viruses make the personal information of church employees, members, and visitors vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Tags: cyber security, digital, protect, risk

Displaying: 11 - 14 of 14